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Hi! This is my personal website! You may browse my posts and give comments but I strongly discourage you to say anything awful. I do not curse, not unless you force me to. Let's be friends okay? Click the links below and get to know me more.

" Respect is a virtue "

Info Desk
SITE NAME: Benjoe's Reflections
OPENED: May 17, 2011
OWNER: Benjoe N. Agbaybr> TYPE: Personal Website

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Thank You

My Insanity


The screen is bright and your face is clear
You look at me and flash a smile that's so sincere
Your eyes are soft as the gentle zephyrs cheer
The blossoming emotions are so achingly dear.

My fingers reach out to trace the silkiness of your skin
I watch in fascination as your lips broke in a charming grin
I take a deep breath to calm my heart's fast beating
But shortly, I decide to give up and let my feelings win.

Your image always haunts me every cold night
When the moon's silver shreds sparkle with might
Countless times there was when I tried to fight
But I cannot turn back to something that feels so right.

The raven hair that framed your handsome face
It goes with the wind in a dance so full of grace
You tilt your face to welcome the sun's golden rays
And let the playful wind continue with its case.

Your eyes look at me in a tender gaze
This sent my heart in a pit of complicated maze
Your doe-like orbs that complement the angle of your face
Always touch the side of my heart where emotion lays.

Your shoulders are broad and your body is lean
The warmth of protection they promise is readily seen
But I can never let myself fall for this grave sin
I have to turn back even if the pain is crippling.

I clutch my heart to save it from its downfall
Trying to ignore its insistent plea and lamenting call
Tampered pieces of my heart scattered across the hall
Yet I ignored it to keep my sanity…

For you're only an anime character after all… :'(

Read more »
DATE:Tuesday, May 17, 2011 TIME:{9:13 PM} COMMENTS: (0) REPLIES



Darkness reigns the raven sky
Vivid are crickets' anguished cry;
Strengths dissolved in wasted try
Vengeance released in broken sigh.

Shrouds of fog the breeze abase
Clusters of stars in its own blaze;
Peaceful moon dwelling in chase
Luring dreams of humans in daze.

Ruffling leaves of trees so few
Clear as crystal are beads of dew;
Trickle traced the panes in hue
Blurred in mist of breath as I blew.

Dim lit lamps of shades so grand
Sounds of drizzle tiny as sand;
Reached the glass from where I stand
Etched the feelings with my bare hand.

Scribbles of a love that's lost
Left with a heart in smoking frost;
The penned note of forlorn post
Burnt memories cherished the most.

Crumpled papers scrunched in lame
Candles crying to save their flame;
Blot of ink that scrawled your name
Remembrance of my fretful shame.

Cobwebs of sheets donned the floor
Tangled robes hanging on the door;
Broken glass in grieving snore
Lorn wake of my existence's core.

White pieces of shattered vase
Splash of water on their own race;
Dried petals brown in solace
Resemblance of my narrow trace.

Blinking light of broken phone
Beeping in a familiar tone;
Trapped escape from a strayed zone
Keen surge of weakness raked my bone.

Sky tore open for the dawn
Nostalgic for my stifled yawn
Night spent amidst lonesome moan
As fragile as a crippled fawn.
DATE:Thursday, January 6, 2011 TIME:{12:43 AM} COMMENTS: (0) REPLIES


November 8, 2009

Your promises are like an eternal nightmare
As balmy as wild flowers - tricky yet so fair;
Curled inside my asylum as the flashbacks start
Warped black, red and white like an arid abstract art.

My eyes creased to slits and I saw your silhouette
A blurry vision of the place where we first met;
Jet black shadow dancing behind a beam of light
Like an angel preciously dressed in gold and white.

I paced onwards as you offer a benign smile
So warm it can melt a heart so frigid, so vile;
Insides burst in a pirouette of butterflies
Fluttering so blissfully when I met your eyes.

Gusts of wind flew by and erased the memory
Snapped me out of malevolent hypocrisy;
Then, another image formed in the shroud of mist
Crashing my whole world when I saw the girl you kissed.

The rain poured hard that brought me to my damnation
With the nature giving me a benediction;
Lonely melodious overtone urged me to sing
Dull and useless like a guitar with broken string.

I turned on my heels and off where to where I once started
Buried the memory that I was neglected;
Weather and feelings binded in an ardent coil
Outside manifestation of inner turmoil.

Credits to my friends for some of the quotations.
Inspired by and dedicated to Mateo Deogracias (codename).

Thanks for reading!!! ^^


DATE:Sunday, November 8, 2009 TIME:{11:55 PM} COMMENTS: (0) REPLIES



Once there was this me, alone, in a hard cocoon shell
I built it for myself as protection from something I can barely tell
I worked hard for years to make it as tough as I can
Shielding me from the vicious, unstable emotions of men.

I've been hooked to its dark, cold vibe and made it my abode
Its way is hard that no one would dare to make the road
Still I love it, or so I did, and will not let others break the code
Will not let claws unlock the chain towards life's harsh mode.

But my heart shattered as sharp, glittering daggers stabbed it
Breaking it into pieces; harshly plundering its every bit
Granted with no choice, I stilled, as I saw something lit
Blind me into its luminosity as I started to feel its heat.

Heaving in deep sighs, I closed my eyes as tight as I can muster
Crowfeet visible in my lids; audible heartbreak as my heart shatter
The darkness soon faded and red shades blanketed my eyes
Untying the blindfold and bared me into a world so full of lies.

For once I dreaded the warm earth of anew amorality
I fidgeted back for I found the metamorphosis creepy
The huffles penetrated my logic and I found vulnerability
Prinking me with a thick wool of barmy taciturnity.

My wings are insipid and refuse to make a flight for a flee
Consciousness unveiled; emotions perceptible already
Hands clutched as pain seizes me to its punishing hold
I succumb, unwillingly; galvanized by another wrenching jolt.

Yet, a savior came and cuddled me in a bona fide comfortness
Easing my worries, calming me with indescribable gentleness
Brain flushing impulses; welcoming the uncontainable emotion
Heartbeat deviated to a rhythm of a blissful oblivion.

Eyebrows furrowed in wonder of the transcendental evince
Wondering how I never knew about its existence
There is something more outside my shell, I thought
Conclusions settled in an awe of the warmth my savior brought.

He spoke and I halted for a better comprehension
"You're free now from the fatal cage of misconception"
My eyes widen as outbursts or realization hit a puncture
Flabbergasted as the pieces formed into complete picture.

I wasn't home after all; I never was
I've been locked in a room of abhorrence and faus pax
And now I'm lured by the dawn of a reciprocated philosophy
That reality isn't a slaughter house for my tempestuous insecurity.

DATE:Wednesday, October 28, 2009 TIME:{10:49 PM} COMMENTS: (0) REPLIES



Now her I am, standing in the midst of this murderous wilderness

Trying hard to perceive the vague mirror of reality

When once again in my mind it popped,

The lame personality I’ve been keeping for so long;

Reminiscing the past with a raving pursuit

Appraising page by page the course of my forlorn biography

Whilst inside me, the seed of amendment flourish,

Suckled by loads of embarrassment I can count no more

Every moment, I waste in sighs of craving,

Longing to unveil my consciousness enveloped with misery

Yearning to emancipate my heart yanked,

Incarcerated, and tortured by sleepless malice

I found myself moping in the amid of an enormous mob

Where silhouettes of people with identical creeds filled my retina

As I look around unconsciously in the certainty of the epoch,

My palpitating heart was stroked by a bullet of disbelief,

For this is the locale where Achille’s heal lead me,

The place with a mean, inhumane vibe,

The prison where faint-hearted used to dwell,

And the abode for meagerly feeble lunatics.


DATE:Tuesday, October 27, 2009 TIME:{9:47 PM} COMMENTS: (0) REPLIES